Six nominations for the International Design & Architecture Awards

We are proud to announce that we are nominated in SIX categories for the esteemed Design & Architecture Awards! Three of our recently finished projects were selected for this amazing event: Charming Station House Cosmopolitan Sweet Spot Warm Winter Cabin The awards ceremony is held on the 8th of September in London.
Seven unique boutique rooms for Château Neercanne

What a wonderful assignment to work on! After we started with the room designs of Château Sint Gerlach, we will now also design seven unique and luxurious boutique rooms for Château Neercanne. The design process has started. It will be a special and unforgettable experience, where every design is different, but captures the same characteristic […]
Designing hotel rooms for Château St. Gerlach

We are so happy to announce that we have the honour of designing the hotel rooms at Château St. Gerlach in Valkenburg. At this stage we can’t share the details of the design yet, but stay tuned for the exciting transformation!
Looking back on Design Secrets

From October to January, you could have spotted Roelfien together with four other designers in the second season of Design Secrets, broadcast by SBS6. A reality TV show in which you got a look behind the scenes at the realization of various projects. What does a design process look like? What kind of decisions need […]
Roelfien appears in television show Design Secrets

Design Secrets is a reality TV/ documentary in which we follow different designers. They take you to beautiful projects in the Netherlands and abroad, talk about the passion for their work and give you an insight into their world. We’re proud that Roelfien Vos will be one of the five designers this season. The recordings […]
The Interior Collective – COLL

The Interior Collective — COLL. was founded in The Netherlands to represent the best talent in the industry and to provide its clients with access to a top selection of interior architects. Offering creative consultancy, COLL. helps it’s clients both in the private and business sector to find the perfect solution for their projects, guaranteeing […]
Masterly Milano 2021 & Floor Jewels

The rugs Floor Jewels that Roelfien designed for van Besouw will be launched at Masterly – The Dutch in Milano. We can’t wait to show you this authentic and luxurious collection. The Masterpiece of this collection has become a crown jewel for the floor. We hope to welcome you at the Van Besouw stand from […]
Professioneel woonplezier
Waar en hoe wonen bekende designers, interieurarchitecten en decorateurs eigenlijk zelf? Wat is hun persoonlijke stijl? En hun favoriete plek in of bij het huis? Een inspirerend inkijkje in het huis van Roelfien zelf. Lees het artikel hier
Bedroom Jewels van Roelfien Vos

Voor Nilson Beds ontwierp Roelfien Vos de collectie Bedroom Jewels. In deze collectie draait het om rust en balans in de slaapkamer. Het Jewels hoofdbord is een decoratief lijnenspel van cirkels. De afwisseling van open en gesloten vormen en materiaal zorgen voor veel dynamiek. Tevens ontwierp Roelfien een bijpassend kledingrek, spiegel en nachtkastjes. Alle meubels […]
Floor Jewels van Roelfien Vos: Een statement voor ieder interieur

In 1967 bracht Van Besouw een innovatie op de markt: een gebreid, katoenen lus-tapijt onder de naam 3801. Het werd een ware klassieker. Onverwoestbaar en van de allerhoogste kwaliteit. Nu, ruim 50 jaar later, is het tijd voor een nieuwe impuls op deze innovatie. Prijswinnend interieurdesigner Roelfien Vos kreeg alle vrijheid om de 3801-collectie eigentijds […]